Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I think that would make sense in certain conditions like when someone accuses your son or daughter of stealing something or picking on someone and you beileve and backup your kids but with something like this where you know they are guilty. Something like this your kid should not be defended especially when you know they are guilty. There is no right EVER to defend a "child" that acts like this. Frank shouldnt have anybody on his side he needs to know what he did wrong was not acceptable.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I think he should have locked him up in jail like what he deserves. He is being spoiled by 3 reasons for being in his basement.
He gets good food, a warm spot, and does not have to put up with jail people.
He raped indian girls and all he gets is a "jail sentence" by sitting in his basement with three meals of food. He deserves jail food. Whats the same as in jail in this basement? Nothing it's just like he moved downstairs of his house because the food is good and it's warm.
Warmth in the winter, the comfort of being in his home is what he gets from raping girls when criminals and people who go against the law have to stay in a jail cell for how ever long. Who cares about his reputation that shouldn't have anything to do with it. The indian girls are scared for life and he gets a warm place to stay and food to eat doesn't have to go to jail with all the bad people and ruin his repuation. He gets to keep his rep. the indian girls don't get to keep their rep or mabe their life if they were to afraid to get medical attention because he was the doctor.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I think we are too violent because instead of confrounting someone or talking we use fighting. We don't take it seriously. We look at it as oh someone is saying something that i don't like let me make them bleed or let me punch them a few times. That is not okay. That is unnessasary. David would not have much trouble shooting Frank because he wants Frank gone and the only way he knows to get rid of him is to shoot him. Kill him all because he doesnt want to see him.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Gender roles now are not as bad as back then. Females were not aloud to vote now they are. The women stayed home with the house duties when the men were out working. Now, they all work some still stay inside with the house and kids but most work. Now a days males and females are more similar with what they do then back then.

Friday, October 3, 2008